12. Integral Equations#
In this chapter, we will discuss Fredholm integral equations of the second kind. These lend themselves well to iterative methods without a need to descretize your integration domain. Solutions obtained by such an iterative method go by the name of Liouville-Neumann series. We will start with a one-dimensional example comparing two discretization methods to evaluate the integral over the integration domain. Then, we will introduce terminology and formalsm that should let you tackle \(d\)-dimensional integral equations. Solving coupled Fredholm integral equations of the second kind will follow a similar logic.
12.1. The one-dimensional case#
Our Fredholm integral equation takes the form
where \(\phi(x)\) is the function we are looking for and \(K(x, y)\) is called the kernel. If \(f(x) \equiv 0\), the integral equation become a first kind type integral equation, and is no longer amenable to the procedure we layout below. If either \(a\), or \(b\) are unbounded, the integral equation is said to be singular. For now, we assume these values are finite. The constant \(\lambda\), controls how quickly the iterative process converges to the solution, i.e., it determines the radius of convergence. If the the integral equation is linear (\(\phi(x)\) only appears with exponent 1), then \(\lambda\) is called the eigenvalue fo the kernel.
As an example, we will solve the separable integral equation with \(K(x,y)= xy\) and \(f(x) = x\). This integral equation has the solution
From the solution, we can tell that the radius of convergence is 3.
The Liouville-Neumann series is very simple: it says the solution is given by
where \(u_n(x)\) is given by
and \(u_0(x) = f(x)\).
12.1.1. The simple discretization#
A simple discretization of integration domain amounts to splitting the interval \([a,b]\) up into \(N\) even chunks. The first iteration is simple \(u_0(x_i) = f(x_i)\), for \(i={1,\ldots,N}\). Each subsequent update uses Riemann sums to evaluate the integral
This solution improves in accuracy with the larger number of subdivisions \(N\). Written in code, we have
#include <array>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
// InitialCondition - is a template parameter that represent a function with one argument of the
// the type T
// Kernel - is a template parameter that represent a function with two arguments, both
// of type T
// bins - is non-type templatew parameter that keeps track of the number of
// subdivisions in the integration region, and is made a compile constant to
// minimize allocation calls.
template<int bins, typename T, typename InitialCondition, typename Kernel>
static inline std::array<T, bins + 1>
InitialCondition initial_condition_func,
Kernel kernel_func,
T lower_limit,
T upper_limit,
T lambda,
int max_iteration)
using vec = std::array<T, bins + 1>;
vec domain;
vec soln;
vec u_n;
vec u_old;
auto delta = (upper_limit - lower_limit) / static_cast<T>(bins);
std::ranges::generate(domain, [n=0, lower_limit, delta]() mutable {
return lower_limit + static_cast<T>(n++) * delta; });
std::ranges::generate(soln, [n=0, initial_condition_func, &domain]() mutable {
return initial_condition_func(domain[n++]); });
copy_array(soln, u_old);
auto integration = [kernel_func, lambda, &domain, delta](auto const& func, auto index) {
auto integral = static_cast<T>(0.0);
auto n = 0;
// Riemann sum over integration domain
for (auto const& value : domain)
integral += lambda * kernel_func(domain[index], value) * func[n++] * delta;
return integral;
for (int iteration = 0; iteration < max_iteration; ++iteration)
auto k = 0;
for (auto& value : u_n)
value = integration(u_old, k);
soln[k] += value;
copy_array(u_n, u_old);
return soln;
where we have introduced the convenience function
template<template<typename, auto> class Array, typename T, auto N>
static inline void
copy_array(const Array<T, N>& source, Array<T, N>& target)
auto n = 0;
for (auto const& value : source)
target[n++] = value;
Further below, we will preform a comparison with the analytic result.o
12.1.2. Using quadrature#
This implementation is not too different, in fact, a lot of the code can be reused. We use Gauss-Legendre roots \(\{\xi_i\}\) and weights \(\{w_i\}\). The roots \(\{\xi_i\}\), \(i=1,\ldots,N\), to represents the evaluation points in an interval \([-1,1]\). The points in the interval \([a,b]\) are then \(x_i = \frac{1}{2}[(a - b) \xi_i + (a + b)]\). The first iteration is initialzed as be before, however, the subsequent updates now become
to calculate the roots, given the integer \(N\), we use the get_root_and_wweights
we introduced in the Numerical Integration chapter.
The factor of \((b - a)/2\) arise from the Jacobian of changing the integration variables from \(x_i\) to
\(\xi_i\) (this detail is hidden in the formula we have written).
template<int bins, typename T, typename InitialCondition, typename Kernel>
static inline std::array<T, bins + 1>
InitialCondition initial_condition_func,
Kernel kernel_func,
T lower_limit,
T upper_limit,
T lambda,
int max_iteration)
using vec = std::array<T, bins + 1>;
vec domain;
vec soln;
vec u_n;
vec u_old;
integration::get_roots_and_weights<double>(bins + 1);
using integration::roots;
using integration::weights;
std::ranges::generate(domain, [n=0, lower_limit, upper_limit]() mutable {
return 0.5 * ((upper_limit - lower_limit) * roots[n++]
+ (upper_limit + lower_limit)); });
std::ranges::generate(soln, [n=0, initial_condition_func, &domain]() mutable {
return initial_condition_func(domain[n++]); });
copy_array(soln, u_old);
auto integration = [kernel_func, lambda, &domain, lower_limit, upper_limit](
auto const& func,
auto index) {
auto integral = static_cast<T>(0.0);
auto n = 0;
// Riemann sum over integration domain
for (auto const& value : domain)
integral += lambda * kernel_func(domain[index], value) * func[n] * weights[n++];
return integral * (upper_limit - lower_limit) / 2.0;
for (int iteration = 0; iteration < max_iteration; ++iteration)
auto k = 0;
for (auto& value : u_n)
value = integration(u_old, k);
soln[k] += value;
copy_array(u_n, u_old);
return soln;
12.1.3. Comparison with analytic solution#
Below we compare the analytic solution and the numerical ones described above in the interval \([0, 1]\). We also compare the preformance for difference values of \(\lambda\). As the table shows, the quadrature converges to the analytic solution nicely, while the simple discretization needs A LOT of subdivision to get close.
The program used to generate these tables is given below and is available here.
Click to see code snippet
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <iomanip>
#include "../print.hpp"
#include "liouville-neumann_series.hpp"
#include "../integration/gauss-legendre_quadrature.hpp"
static constexpr int bins = 40;
static constexpr double low = 0.0;
static constexpr double high = 1.0;
static constexpr double lambda = 0.1;
static constexpr double delta = (high - low) / static_cast<double>(bins);
static constexpr int max_iterations = 10;
using vec = std::array<double, bins + 1>;
using integral_equation::liouville_neumann_series;
using integral_equation::liouville_neumann_series_quadrature;
void print_comparison_riemann(const vec& analytic, const vec& numeric)
auto n = bins / 10;
println(analytic[0], numeric[0]);
for (int i = n; i < bins; i += n)
println(analytic[i], numeric[i]);
println(analytic[bins], numeric[bins]);
void test_riemann()
vec a;
std::ranges::generate(a, [n=0]() mutable {
return low + static_cast<double>(n++) * delta; });
// analytic solution
for (auto& x : a)
x = 3.0 * x / (3.0 - lambda);
auto b = liouville_neumann_series<bins>(
[](double x){return x;},
[](double x, double y){ return x * y; },
low, high, lambda, max_iterations);
print_comparison_riemann(a, b);
using vec2 = std::array<double, bins>;
void print_comparison_quadrature(const vec2& analytic, const vec2& numeric)
auto n = bins / 10;
println(analytic[0], numeric[0]);
for (int i = 0; i < bins; i += n)
println(analytic[i + 1], numeric[i + 1]);
void test_quadrature()
vec2 a;
using integration::roots;
using integration::weights;
std::ranges::generate(a, [n=0]() mutable {
return 0.5 * ((high - low) * roots[n++] + (high + low)); });
// analytic solution
for (auto& x : a)
x = 3.0 * x / (3.0 - lambda);
auto b = liouville_neumann_series_quadrature<bins>(
[](double x){return x;},
[](double x, double y){ return x * y; },
low, high, lambda, max_iterations);
print_comparison_quadrature(a, b);
int main()
println(bins, lambda);
// test_riemann();
return 0;
12.2. The two-dimensional case#
In two dimensions, we will write the Fredholm integral equation as
Here \(\Omega\) denotes the integration domain, which we leave unspecified. As a practive problem, we will solve a Poisson equation by recasting it as a boundary integral equation. The details will be left to that subsection.
As before, we construct our solution iteratively,
with \(u_n(\vec x)\) defined as
and \(u_0(\vec x) = f(\vec x)\).
12.2.1. Evaluation via quadrature: the Nyström method#
We jump straight to quadrature, as Riemann sums are far too inefficient for numerical evaluation. We can choose the number of roots sufficient large, se \(N=40\), to populate our domain adequately. Note, in our example calculations we use Gauss-Legendre quadrature, however, Gauss-Lebatto-Legendre quadrature is used more commonly as it includes evaluation of the end points.
The two dimensional analog, assuming a rectanular integration domain, of Eq. (12.6) is
where we have choosen to write out the components of the vectors \(\vec x = (x_1\ \ x_2)^\mathsf{T}\) and \(\vec y = (y_1\ \ y_2)^\mathsf{T}\). The code implementation is
Nothing here yet
12.2.2. Evaluation via Galerkin methods#
The Galerkin method takes our integral equation, and converts it to a linear algebra problem for matrix inversion. At the core of the methods are two discretizations: (1) discretization of the integration domain \(\Omega to \Omega_h\), and (2) a discretization of the unknown function. The ladder means that we choose to represent our unknown function \(\phi(\vec x)\) with unknown coefficients \(\phi_i\) and known orthogonal basis functions \(\eta_i(\vec x)\) for \(\Omega_h\)
A common choice for the basis functions in finitie element analysis are hat functions. In our application below, we will assume that the basis is represented by Lagrange interpolants, which will require a little more discussion.
The integrals are evaluated via quadrature. We introduce the notation
where the \(\{\xi_i\}\), \(i=1,\ldots,R\) are the nodes for our quadrature scheme (for us this is Gauss-Legendre).
We can multiply both sides of Eq. (12.7), by the basis \(\eta_j(\vec x)\) and integrate. This gives us the system
This equation can be simplified if we make the identification
Then this system is written succinctly as
The system is solved as
12.2.3. Application: 2-d Poisson Equation#
12.3. Bibliography#
Kendall E. Atkinson and A. Bogomolny. The discrete galerkin method for integral equations. Mathematics of Computation, 48:595–616, 1987. URL: https://api.semanticscholar.org/CorpusID:42097770.